I haven't typed out a "Dish" post in a while so here are some quick random takes on life behind the blog.
I'm making this for dinner tonight and taking a pan of it to a friend as well.

Chicken enchiladas with sour cream sauce. I made it last week and it was way yummy {and pretty easy.}
It's rainy and gray and I plan to spend the day clomping around in these boots.
Did I ever tell you the story of these boots? Well, I'd wanted some wellies for years but could never find the right pair at the right price. I was at the flea market last spring, the crazy one I go to a few times a year, and a lady with a table full of shoes had a lone pair of brand new Hunter boots, size 7. I loved them and had never heard of the brand; I simply liked the boots. They reminded me of faded denim or French blue terra cotta pots.
I thought $30 was quite a lot for flea market boots so I deliberated for a while and finally went back for them. She told me they were over $100 new and I just smiled politely while I thought to myself, Nice try lady but I've already agreed to buy them so you can save the sales pitch. Well, I went home and looked up my boots on the internet. The shoe lady wasn't lying. For $30, mine are probably fake. But I love them still. I am prone to unwittingly buying fake stuff at the flea market.
{Sometime I'll have to tell you the story of a bunch of MAC make-up I purchased there. All fake. That was a sad day. My husband has made me promise that I will never buy name-brand anything at the flea market again. I mostly promised to heed that advice.}
I've done a couple of DIY projects around the house. Posts forthcoming. One involves a bookcase that went from beige to aqua and now sits in my foyer, holding books I just can't part with.
It took about an hour. I do not have the patience or energy for long projects these days. {Or ever.}
Another involves a 9-drawer dresser that a friend gave me. It serves as our media center. Our giant IKEA one was simply too giant for me. My neighbor bought it and it's just perfect in her house. We swap furniture and other household junk quite a lot on my street.
Anyway, I've painted it but three of the front drawers are a bit warped, despite lots of sanding, so I'm experimenting with a cover for them. That's right, I'm slipcovering drawers. Crazy. It involves burlap and mod podge. I did one drawer and then got tired so, you know, we'll see how {and if} things all come together. I have a lazy streak a mile wide.
I just started The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. It's the second fiction book in a row for me that takes place in Africa. The last one was The Poisonwood Bible, a great book indeed but I'm craving something a bit lighter. And shorter. So far, so good.
My hair hasn't been touched by a professional since May. The ends look like straw and my ever-increasing gray strands are a daily reminder that 40 is only five months away. I'm thinking of taking matters into my own hands and asking my husband to just trim up the ends. Perhaps Miss Clairol can help with the rest. Is this a bad idea? Be honest.
We un-enrolled our youngest from preschool even though we dearly loved his school. I enjoy having him with me, especially because he'll begin kindergarten in just 7 months. The mere mention of it makes me weak in the knees. I reserve the right to change my mind.
Until then, I'm enjoying the messy vignettes of cardboard boxes, matchbox cars, and various costumes strewn about my house. I am desperately, hopelessly in love with the age of five.
Finally, the Golden Globes are Sunday. I giddily anticipate the Globes and the Oscars every single year. Judge all you want; I make no apologies. Two of my favorite funny ladies, Tina and Amy, are hosting and this makes me extra giddy. My sister now lives close enough to join me on the sofa this year and I'm calling it "the sofa soiree." Super pumped about this. And I'm thinking of throwing together some of Pioneer Woman's sesame noodles. Party on.
{Epilogue...because it's my blog and sometimes a single post needs one.}
I crank out a crazy assortment of posts around here. I've realized that's because I'm a crazy assortment of a lot of things. My posts therefore reflect me, someone who enjoys dishing about everything from enchiladas and lipstick to motherhood and marriage.
My posts this week have been on the lighter side and for good reason: real life sometimes breaks our hearts. My family is just fine but our hearts break badly for dear ones who are not. Most of my thoughts and emotions these days are sober and personal ones.
So thanks for coming here to partake of whatever it is I'm serving up. Deeper, more writerly posts are certainly ahead but for now, enchiladas and superficial "news" will have to do. I guess I just wanted you to know why.
Whatever your weekend holds, take time to enjoy some yumminess. Because sad or glad, we all have to eat and we might as well make it good.
I don't think we have ever watched the Golden Globes, but when we saw the hosts - well, now we won't miss it. Brilliant ratings move on their part!
ReplyDeleteI'm there with you on projects, short and sweet or not at all is how I feel about them these days. That said, anxious to see how your drawers turn out.
That sounds weird....
Moving on, I miss 5. Lots. Enjoy that messy stage, you already know this: it zips by too fast.
ReplyDeleteWrite away -- anything that comes to mind. I enjoy hearing of your days and your thoughts make me smile. You write so well.
The hair color choice -- whew! That's a tough one, I think. I know whatever you decide you will be beautiful.
Hope this time with Cupcake is sweet and rich (and messy).